I Am From

I am from my sports pillow
from Orange Juice and basketballs

I am from hilled driveways
the feel of soft carpet

I am from bluebonnets
the rosemary bush whose long gone limbs I remember them as if they were my own

I am from eating out Friday night and dinner at the table
from Mom and Canon

I am from capital ornaments and real Christmas trees
and from leaving shoes in the floor

I am from ladies first and mind your manners
and the goodnight rhyme

I am from feasts on Thanksgiving

I am from Dallas and the Green and Towers branch
from ham and dressing

From skiing under the bridge
and the hand signs telling you what to do

The black photo albums
Sitting in the coffee table
Where things are set everyday
But only the pictures stay

Ghost Stories

Yes I know Halloween has already passed for 2013, but ghost stories never get old. I know there’s a fair amount of good ghost stories out there, and we all know they are not all true. What makes a good ghost story for me is something very unordinary while also clinching reality, so it makes me really believe it was true. Have you ever heard any good ghost stories? Is there anything about ghost stories that make you get the chills?